Payment Systems

Explore our payment system related resources tailored for managed care pharmacy. From claims processing and electronic prescribing to reimbursement systems and digital payment solutions, you'll find the latest industry insights, practical guides, and tools to streamline to better understand financial operations.

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Managing Total Cost of Care Through Medical and Pharmacy Data Integration Partnership Forum

Partnership Forum: Combating rising health care costs and taking advantage of new pharmaceutical innovations to improve patient outcomes, all while lowering the total cost of care, is a challenge in today’s health care system. AMCP brought together thought leaders in September 2018 to discuss the issues and solutions needed on this key issue.
Reimbursement, Payment Systems

Addressing Increasing Costs and Spending on Pharmaceuticals Requires Multipronged Approach

AMCP CEO Blog: A new article in Health Affairs ( highlights the challenges that many health plans and payers face as spending on pharmaceuticals continues to rise. The report, which looked at total health care spending at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HPHC) from 2011 and 2016, found that spending on pharmaceuticals had increased to a full 25% of all dollars spent.
Drug Pricing, Legislation & Regulation, Payment Systems

Designing Benefits and Payment Models for Innovative High-Investment Medications Partnership Forum

Partnership Forum: New health care innovations are bringing the promise of life changing treatment for specific diseases. It is imperative that financial models for innovative, high-investment medications be developed to maintain patient access. AMCP brought together thought leaders in July 2018 to discuss the issues and solutions needed on this key issue.
Payment Systems