Helping Patients Anticipate and Manage Drug Costs - Proceedings from the AMCP Partnership Forum


Webinar Recorded on Sept. 1, 2020 

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As local and national legislators and regulators consider ways to curb the rising cost of pharmaceuticals, what remains unknown are the intended and unintended consequences to patients of proposed actions, including potential changes to rebates for federal programs, requirements for public disclosure and transparency of drug prices, and the role of PBMs and health plans. Participants considered the possible solutions for addressing rising costs and discuss challenges, practical steps for implementing point of sale rebates and other proposed solutions, and discussed how patient assistance programs and copay policies fit into the affordability equation. In this webinar you will hear recommendations and solutions to improve price transparency, address the rising costs of medications, and help patient understand and manage drug cost.

View the Proceedings from this Partnership Forum 


  • Joe Honcz, RPh, MBA
  • Kollet Koulianos, MBA
    Senior Director Payer Relations
    National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)
