Membership Options

$295 / year
Discounted Rates

AMCP is proud to offer 50% of Active dues to active members of the uniform services or employees of the state Medicaid agencies, FDA, or HHS. If you are over 65 and have retired full-time from the profession, please contact member services.

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Active Member

Pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and physician’s assistants. Government and Nonprofit Discount: Eligible members get 50% off Active dues.

  • Daily news alerts and exclusive online resources.
  • Regulatory and legislative updates.
  • Discounts on advanced and CE training resources.
  • 60 self-paced programs on AMCP Learn — a $1,950 value.
  • Approx. 100 webinars per year with virtual eLearning Days — a $717 value.
  • Substantial registration discounts on national meetings.
  • Education and volunteer opportunities with AMCP local affiliates. 
  • Leadership committees and mentorship opportunities.
  • Research hubs and expertise from AMCP Research Institute, BBCIC, eModel and JMCP.
  • And many more tools and networking opportunities designed to help you succeed!
$440 / year
Discounted Rates

AMCP is proud to offer 50% of Associate dues to active members of the uniform services or employees of the state Medicaid agencies, FDA, or HHS. If you are over 65 and have retired full-time from the profession, please contact member services.

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Associate Member

Health care and related professionals who support the mission and objectives of AMCP but do not hold a license as a pharmacist, physician, nurse or physician assistant. Government and Nonprofit Discount: Eligible members get 50% off Active dues.

  • Substantial registration discounts on national meetings.
  • AMCP Membership Directory and Collaborate discussion board.
  • Daily news alerts and exclusive online resources.
  • Regulatory and legislative updates.
  • Approx. 100 webinars per year with virtual eLearning Days — a $717 value.
  • Discount subscription for AMCP eModel to communicate economic models and evidence.  
  • exclusive overviews and executive summaries of complex issues.
  • Resources such as the AMCP Value-Based Purchasing Lexicon, a unified language for discussing and designing value-based contacts across payers, provider systems, and manufacturers. 
  • Enjoy all other member benefits and discounts!
$45 / year

AMCP is proud to offer 50% off Active dues to those who are active duty in the uniformed services. Your dues rate will be automatically adjusted when you join. If you are over 65 and have retired full time from the profession, please contact member services.

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Student Pharmacist Member

Student pharmacists enrolled full-time in a school or college of pharmacy accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).

  • AMCP Fundamental of Managed Care Pharmacy course. 
  • AMCP primer series and “what is managed care pharmacy” resources. 
  • AMCP Foundation Internship Programs and developing leaders program.
  • Expand your network of managed care professionals through our mentorship programs and exclusive networks such as AMCP Women's Integration Network (WIN) and the AMCP Collaborate discussion board.
  • Enjoy substantial registration discounts or scholarships to attend AMCP national conferences and find peers through the member AMCP Collaborate discussion board.  
  • Build awareness of your managed care insights by participating in the national AMCP Foundation P&T Competition.
  • Prepare for your next career stage through the mock interview program and career focused webinars. 
  • Build your leadership skills through activities at local AMCP Affiliate chapters and other volunteer opportunities.
  • Enjoy all other member benefits and discounts!
$145 / year

AMCP is proud to offer 50% off Active dues to those who are active duty in the uniformed services. Your dues rate will be automatically adjusted when you join. If you are over 65 and have retired full time from the profession, please contact member services.

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Pharmacy Technician Member

Certified pharmacy technicians or those practicing in a pharmacy technician role. 

  • Gain the latest clinical and drug knowledge through JMCP. 
  • Updates on constantly changing legislative and regulatory policies that impact managed care.
  • Daily news alerts and exclusive resources, with approximately 100 webinars offered per year — a $717 value.
  • AMCP eLearning Days with virtual learning and CPE — a $360 value.
  • Discounts on advanced and CE training resources.
  • 60 self-paced programs on AMCP Learn — a $1,950 value.
  • Substantial registration discounts for national conferences
  • AMCP Collaborate member discussion board.
  • Local events at AMCP Affiliate chapters.
  • And many more networking and tools to enhance your career!
$100 / year

AMCP is proud to offer 50% off Active dues to those who are active duty in the uniformed services. Your dues rate will be automatically adjusted when you join. If you are over 65 and have retired full time from the profession, please contact member services.

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Resident/Fellow/Graduate Student Member

Enrolled full-time in a graduate or postgraduate school program recognized by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) or practicing full-time in a residency or fellowship related to pharmacy or managed care pharmacy.

  • Daily news alerts and exclusive online resources.
  • Local AMCP affiliate chapters and exclusive networks such as AMCP Women's Integration Network (WIN).
  • Discounts on advanced and CE training resources.
  • 60 self-paced programs on AMCP Learn — a $1,950 value.
  • Research Poster contests to gain recognition for your work. 
  • Substantial discounts on annual conference registration.
  • Volunteer opportunities to expose you to managed care pharmacy leaders and mentors. 
  • Enjoy all other member benefits and discounts!

Member Benefits

Save on Education & Events

Unlock Professional and Advocacy Resources

Network and Build Connections