Payment Systems

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AMCP Regulatory NewsBreaks

CMS Issues Explanations for the MFPs for the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program, Reminders Related to the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan, and Revised Final Guidance for the Manufacturer Discount Program

On December 20, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued explanations for the maximum fair prices (MFPs) for the drugs selected for the IRA’s Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program for the initial price applicability year (IPAY) 2026.
Legislation & Regulation, Payment Systems

AMCP Comments on Medicare Prescription Payment Plan: Draft Part Two Guidance

On Feb. 15, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan: Draft Part Two Guidance and a Fact Sheet to provide guidance on education and outreach requirements for the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (M3P), which was established by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). AMCP submitted comments in response to this Guidance on March 15, 2024.
Payment Systems
High-Investment-Medications Predictability Affordability and Accessibility Report - Cover

High-Investment Medications: Predictability, Affordability, and Accessibility

The FDA continues to approve novel therapies, but concerns arise due to the costs of certain treatments. To address this, the AMCP organized a forum to explore solutions. Stakeholders recognize the benefits of high-investment medications, but uptake of payment strategies has been slow. Gradual changes, education, and collaboration are essential to improve predictability, affordability, and accessibility for patients.
Drug Pricing, Managed Care Practice Issues, Drug Pricing, Payment Systems, Payment Systems, Drug Pricing, Specialty Pharmacy
A prescription with money

Competitive Marketplace

AMCP believes that a health care delivery system that is based upon a competitive marketplace will provide greater value to patients and payers than a system that is one‐size‐fits‐all that relies on centralized governmental controls and regulatory mandates.
Payment Systems, Drug Pricing