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Value-Based Contracts
Discover resources on value-based contracts to optimize your managed care pharmacy operations. Access guides, case studies, and expert insights on innovative contracting models, best practices, and strategies for aligning incentives with quality and value.
AMCP CEO Blog: By now, it’s virtually an article of faith that the costs of pharmaceuticals are too high (and, by-the-way, so are costs of hospitalizations, MRIs, ambulance rides and many other health care interventions).
Partnership Forum: This forum on Advancing Value-Based Contracting, which took place on June 20-21, 2017, resulted in important consensus on addressing the operational, legal and regulatory changes needed to fully leverage this new payment system for health care.
Sponsored AMCP webinar that focused on the impact of MACRA provisions on health care providers and population medication management by pharmacists, physicians, and nurses.
Sponsored AMCP webinar that focused on the impact of MACRA provisions on health care providers and population medication management by pharmacists, physicians, and nurses.