Benefits of Volunteering
Volunteering boosts your career fulfillment, confidence, and knowledge of managed care pharmacy trends. It also connects you with a supportive community of peers for advice and collaboration. Explore roles like committee service, mentoring, or moderating to grow professionally and make a difference. Read all our volunteer spotlights.
Current Opportunities
Affiliates—AMCP Affiliates are members who have formed a local, state, or regional organization. Affiliates focus grassroots efforts on supporting managed care pharmacy. AMCP currently has ten affiliates across the country and is entirely volunteer-run. Contact the Affiliate's board members directly for more information on volunteering with an AMCP Affiliate.
For more information, visit our AMCP Affiliates page.
AMCP Champion Program—AMCP Champions are members who share with their colleagues and peers the benefits and value of AMCP membership and managed care pharmacy. AMCP recognizes Champions as members who commit to making a difference.
For more information, including a list of current Champions, visit our AMCP Champion Program page.
Board of Directors—The AMCP Board of Directors establishes AMCP's direction on a wide range of issues, including legislative and regulatory positions, membership initiatives, and strategic planning. The Board comprises a President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, and five at-large directors. Applications for the board are due in August. Board candidates are slated by the Board at Nexus, installed, and begin their term after AMCP Annual each year.
For more information, visit our Board Opportunities page.
Board of Canvassers—The Board of Canvassers certifies the election results if an election results for official AMCP elections. The Board of Canvassers is comprised of two Active AMCP members. Email AMCP more information.
Committees—AMCP Committees are the organization's building blocks. They cover a wide variety of areas, from Educational Affairs to Professional Practice. Committee Service is a minimum of one year. The Call for Committee Members is sent to all AMCP members in September of each year.
For more information, visit our AMCP Committees page.
Diplomats—AMCP Diplomats are members who volunteer to work with schools/colleges of pharmacy as a resource on managed care pharmacy. Diplomats work to raise faculty awareness of AMCP, expose students to career opportunities in managed care, and enhance communications between the schools and local AMCP members.
For more information, including a list of current Diplomats, visit our AMCP Diplomats page.
Foundation Opportunities—Give the gift of volunteering! The AMCP Foundation has numerous opportunities to volunteer, including poster mentors and judges, P&T competition judges, and more.
For more information, visit the AMCP Foundation.
JMCP Peer Review and Author—JMCP, AMCP’s award-winning peer-reviewed journal, offers several opportunities for members to become involved. Members may submit a manuscript or a letter to the editor for consideration, and individuals may also want to consider becoming peer reviewers.
For more information on becoming an author, visit our Author Guidelines page.
For more information on becoming a reviewer, visit our Peer Reviewers page.
Market Insights Panel—Are you a health care decision-maker? Consider becoming a part of our market insights panel! Panel members participate in online surveys and virtual and live summits. Participants are reimbursed for their time.
For more information, visit our Market Insights Panel page.
National Meetings—AMCP national meetings are the premier educational events of the managed care pharmacy industry. Individuals can submit a proposal through AMCP’s call for proposals, volunteer to moderate a session, or work in the AMCP booth!
For more information, visit our Nexus Volunteer page or AMCP Annual Meeting Volunteer page.
Pharmacy Advocacy Leader (P.A.L.)—This opportunity is for AMCP members looking to get heavily involved in advocacy issues. The Pharmacy Advocacy Leaders are a network of advocates who build close relationships with their federal legislators and encourage other members in their state to participate in AMCP’s grassroots advocacy campaigns.
For more information, visit our Pharmacy Advocacy Leaders page.