Webinar on CMS and Affordable Care Act:First of a series of AMCP Member Regulatory Briefings providing an overview of newly proposed regulations and agency guidance relevant to managed care pharmacy Watch RecordingClose
Value-Based Care
Discover key insights on value-based care to improve outcomes and cost-efficiency in managed care pharmacy. Access resources on innovative models, best practices, and strategies for delivering high-quality, patient-centered care.
The recommendations included in this letter are based upon consensus recommendations of an Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Partnership Forum, Advancing ValueBased Contracting (VBC), held in June 2017.
Partnership Forum: The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) held a Partnership Forum “Managing Care In The Wave of Precision Medicine” on Dec. 7 and 8 outside of Washington, D.C. More than 30 experts from across the country discussed challenges and provide recommendations to facilitate broader adoption and use of precision medicine across health care settings. AMCP will use the results of this event to inform future strategic initiatives and advocacy efforts.
Press Release: The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Foundation has released a comprehensive summary about the concepts of “value” examined at its recent Research Symposium on “Value-Based Health Care: Identifying Benefits for Patients, Providers and Payers.”
Press Release: Thought leaders representing managed care organizations, providers, patients, biopharmaceutical manufacturers and other stakeholders gathered recently to find solutions to the financial burden of oncology care on patients, while also improving cancer treatment outcomes and advancing the concept of value-based health care.
Press Release: The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy’s (AMCP) has released a consensus document on value-based contracting that includes a key stakeholder definition of VBC along with strategies to implement the innovative payment model.
Press Release: A recent Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy forum of stakeholders representing payers, patients, government, and pharmaceutical companies found broad consensus on critical issues.
Partnership Forum: Industry leaders convened on October 19, 2017 to discuss this important issue. They found broad consensus on the importance of patient reported outcomes (PRO) in defining value.
Press Releases: Four leading health care experts are generally optimistic that the U.S. will successfully address one of the fiercest challenges facing the health care system: paying for often spectacular, but high-cost gene and other curative therapies.
Press Release: The perception of what is "valuable" in any particular therapy can vary widely between providers, patients and payers, according to panelists at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Foundation's 7th Annual Research Symposium.
This is a presentation from the AMCP’s Partnership Forum webnar that explored the VBC expansion. The described the creation of a consensus definition and guiding principles for value-based contracts; strategies for evaluating, implementing and monitoring VBC’s, and recommendations for mitigating legal and regulatory barriers to VBCs.