Webinar on CMS and Affordable Care Act:First of a series of AMCP Member Regulatory Briefings providing an overview of newly proposed regulations and agency guidance relevant to managed care pharmacy Register NowClose
AMCP supports the use of value frameworks as a resource for determining the value of pharmaceuticals and other health technologies when the Frameworks are based on sound methods using good scientific evidence and economic models.
Partnership Forum: AMCP defined the ideal state for PROs , their importance and systems needed in a previous forum. Here AMCP brought together thought leaders to discuss and identify tactics to achieve the “ideal state.”
Partnership Forum: Industry leaders convened on October 19, 2017 to discuss this important issue. They found broad consensus on the importance of patient reported outcomes (PRO) in defining value.
Partnership Forum: On December 2, 2014, AMCP brought together 60 health care executives from across the nation for a full day of dialogue on critical issues facing the health care system.