Meeting Proceedings & Findings
Market Insights Program: AMCP convened a group of experts on hemophilia to identify areas for more efficient care delivery.
Partnership Forum: New health care innovations are bringing the promise of life changing treatment for specific diseases. It is imperative that financial models for innovative, high-investment medications be developed to maintain patient access. AMCP brought together thought leaders in July 2018 to discuss the issues and solutions needed on this key issue.
AMCP webinar that reviewed proceedings from this Partnership Forum.
AMCP webinar that reviewed proceedings from this Partnership Forum.
Market Insights Program: AMCP convened industry experts to discuss the current management of psoriasis.
AMCP webinar that reviewed proceedings from this Partnership Forum.
AMCP webinar that reviewed proceedings from this Partnership Forum.
Partnership Forum: The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) held a Partnership Forum “Managing Care In The Wave of Precision Medicine” on Dec. 7 and 8 outside of Washington, D.C. More than 30 experts from across the country discussed challenges and provide recommendations to facilitate broader adoption and use of precision medicine across health care settings. AMCP will use the results of this event to inform future strategic initiatives and advocacy efforts.
Partnership Forum: AMCP convened a stakeholder forum on November 14-15, 2017 to continue the discussion of issues related to oncology management.
Press Release: The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy’s (AMCP) has released a consensus document on value-based contracting that includes a key stakeholder definition of VBC along with strategies to implement the innovative payment model.
Proceedings: AMCP Partnership Forum: Advancing Value-Based Contracting
Partnership Forum: Industry leaders convened on October 19, 2017 to discuss this important issue. They found broad consensus on the importance of patient reported outcomes (PRO) in defining value.