Legislation & Regulation

Discover essential legislative and regulatory resources tailored for managed care pharmacy professionals. Stay informed with the latest updates, policies, and advocacy tools to effectively navigate and influence the health care landscape.

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AMCP, Patient and Provider Groups Applaud Supreme Court Ruling on Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine et al. v FDA et al

On June 13, AMCP joined 24 patient and provider organizations in applauding the Supreme Court's unanimous ruling reversing the Fifth Circuit's decision in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine et al. v FDA et al. AMCP and the undersigned organizations unequivocally support FDA's role in safeguarding patients, which has yielded approval of tens of thousands of crucial medications and devices for generations of Americans.
Legislation & Regulation
AMCP Podcast

Jennifer Matthieu's Federal Legislative Update

Host Fred Goldstein invites Jennifer Mathieu, Senior Vice President, Professional & Government Affairs to discuss the Prescription Digital Therapeutics Act, the Medicaid MVPs for Patient Act and other AMCP legislative priorities.

AMCP Expresses Concerns with State Legislation Restricting Managed Care Pharmacists

On May 29, AMCP released the following statement, which expresses concerns about the Illinois General Assembly's Healthcare protection Act (HB 5395). Passed on May 25, the bill restricts managed care pharmacists' ability to manage prescription drug benefits for millions of Illinoisans covered under the state’s Medicaid program, state employee group insurance, and fully insured commercial plans.
Legislation & Regulation
AMCP Caragon

AMCP Legislative Days 2024 Education Slides

Access the AMCP Legislative Days 2024 Education Slides, to learn the terminology most associated with a Member of Congress and understand key advocacy vocabulary to help explain AMCP’s positions on the the Access to Prescription Digital Therapeutics Act of 2023 (S. 723/H.R. 1458) and the Medicaid VBPs for Patients (MVP) Act  (H.R. 2666).
Legislation & Regulation
AMCP 2024 Legislative Days Booklet Cover

AMCP Legislative Days 2024 Booklet

In the AMCP Legislative Days 2024 Booklet, learn about AMCP’s position on legislation impacting managed care pharmacy, how to talk to Members of Congress and their staff, and helpful tips for engaging in effective dialogue.
Legislation & Regulation
AMCP Caragon

AMCP Legislative Days 2024 Booklet

In the AMCP Legislative Days 2024 Booklet, learn about AMCP’s position on legislation impacting managed care pharmacy, how to talk to Members of Congress and their staff, and helpful tips for engaging in effective dialogue.
Legislation & Regulation