AMCP eModel is the ultimate tool for communication of health economic models and value evidence. Find out more about this tech partnership and this health economic modeling platform to support the exchange of clinical and economic information between manufacturers and payers.

AMCP partners with FormularyDecisions to enhance information sharing and formulary decision-making by creating a platform for current, credible, and compliant information exchange between life science companies and active, qualified healthcare decision-makers.

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Exploring opportunities to improve the quality of life for those with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the “Medicare $2 Drug List Model” issued by CMS.

View our Market Insights webinar to explore the latest practice recommendations in the management and treatment of food allergies.

In a world where innovative therapies are entering the market at an unprecedented pace, stakeholders need quick access to reliable information to help ensure the health care system is working as it should. They need fresh perspectives and data to keep up with how tools and techniques are working to help maintain balance in the managed care ecosystem. Enter AMCP’s recently released 2024 Access, Affordability, and Outcomes (AAO) report, which serves as a useful guide on how managed care pharmacy tools drive impact for patients.

Welcome to the latest update from Professional Affairs! This fall has been packed with major developments—from the release of Maximum Fair Prices for Medicare drugs to continued government focus of pharmacy benefit managers and much more.

View an executive summary of the key findings from the AMCP 2024 Access, Affordability and Outcomes: The Value of Managed Care Pharmacy report.

Wet age-related macular degeneration is a condition that can lead to significant vision loss. It is treated with regular injections, which often work well at preventing vision loss but are a burden to patients with the condition.

AMCP supports the recognition of pharmacists as providers. When pharmacists are recognized as provider members of the health care team, patient outcomes improve, and patients report higher rates of satisfaction while overall health care costs are reduced. Recognized provider status would allow pharmacists to be reimbursed for providing health care services to patients. In a survey conducted in 2023 commissioned by Wolters Kluwer Health, 58% of Americans agreed that they are more likely to seek non-emergency medical care from a pharmacist.

View the 2024 AAO Report to learn how managed care pharmacy professionals facilitate appropriate access to prescription treatments and promote affordability to help improve outcomes for patients across America’s health care system.

In its second year, AMCP's annual Access, Affordability, and Outcomes: The Value of Managed Care Pharmacy 2024 report looks at the fundamental concepts of managed care pharmacy and provides insight and clarity into how today's changing health care climate can be navigated to improve patient care and outcomes.

Welcome to the first Professional Affairs blog! We plan on sharing a periodic post to recap some of the major news, journal articles, reports, and other publications from around the web that have come out since our last post. As this is our first blog, we’ll try to adequately cover the whirlwind that was July and early August 2024.

View our Market Insights webinar to explore strategies to optimize patient outcomes and manage costs in Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration