Exciting New Resources for Your Managed Care Pharmacy Toolbox

Our Professional Affairs team has had a busy month, working hard to address the issues MCPs care about most. For those who may not be as familiar with what we do, our team identifies trends within the industry and helps develop and disseminate resources to address these topics in practice.
Below are the critical resources the Professional Affairs team has been working on for the MCP community:
- AMCP’s Patient Voice Initiative, started in 2023, aims to increase patient involvement in health care decisions. PVI created the Patient Voice Advisory Group and held the AMCP Partnership Forum in December of 2023 to discuss patient input and payer decision-making. It developed the Engagement Framework to guide these efforts. This initiative fosters collaboration between payers and patient organizations, enhancing quality of care, patient outcomes, and overall value.
- AMCP’s Group met with key health care stakeholders to conduct a comprehensive landscape assessment to better comprehend the vital role of managed care pharmacy plays in recognizing and tackling health care disparities. Our Health Disparities Landscape Assessment shows the group’s findings and gives readers an opportunity to discover opportunities to dismantle inherent health disparities.
- Version 5.0 of AMCP’s Format for Formulary Submission was released this year and empowers manufacturers to effectively convey valuable clinical and economic evidence to key decision-makers. This initiative continues to support informed formulary, coverage, policy, and reimbursement decisions for both new and existing products.
I’ve been with the AMCP Professional Affairs team for only a short time but have already come to appreciate the importance of input from our members. Your voices fuel the conversations we have daily and contribute to the development of the resources we publish.
It’s crucial that MCPs are armed with the tools they need to ensure patients get the medications they need at a cost they can afford—and that starts with you. Make sure you join the We Are MCPs movement today so we can continue this vital mission.

Steve Kheloussi, PharmD, MBA, FAMCP
Director, Professional Affairs
Published on August 8, 2024
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