RNAi Technology as a Platform for Targeted Treatment of a Selected Disease

Science and Innovation Theater Webinars

Webinar Recorded on Nov. 5, 2020 
Sponsored by Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  

RNAi (RNA interference) technology is an emerging platform being used to develop targeted treatments for select diseases and is gaining momentum as its benefits are recognized. This webinar will detail the science behind RNAi technology and its potential benefits as a treatment for a specific disease. In particular, primary hyperoxaluria (PH) -- a family of rare genetic liver disorders characterized by overproduction of oxalate that can result in life-threatening kidney damage — is an area where RNAi technology may be an appropriate treatment option for patients who otherwise lack therapeutic alternatives. Topics to be discussed during the presentation include an RNAi overview, the disease burden of PH1, PH2 and PH3, and an RNAi technology as a potential treatment approach for this rare condition.


  • Bob D. Brown, PhD
    Chief Scientific Officer, Executive Vice President of R&D
    Dicerna Pharmaceuticals

This webinar is sponsored, developed and presented by the sponsor. The content of this Science & Innovation Theater Webinar and opinions expressed by the presenters are those of the sponsor or presenters and not of AMCP. 

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