Sharing Medication Management Communications Electronically Using SNOMED Codes

Webinar Recorded on May 11, 2016 

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In recent notices and subregulatory guidance documents, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has affirmed their commitment to promoting the adoption of Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine — Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) codes for documentation of medication therapy management by pharmacists. Join AMCP to learn more about what SNOMED-CT codes are, why they matter, how they impact managed care pharmacy, and AMCP’s collaboration with other stakeholders to facilitate adoption.


  • Samm Anderegg, PharmD, MS, BCPS
    Project Manager
    Pharmacy HIT Collaborative
  • Rebecca W. Chater, RPh, MPh, FAPhA
    Executive Healthcare Strategist
    Ateb, Inc
  • Tricia Lee Wilkins, PharmD, MS, PhD
    Pharmacy Advisor and Health IT Specialist
    Office of Standards and Technology
    Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT