Value in Health Care

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Genome Diagnostics: Novel Strategies for Measuring Value

Genomic testing technology is rapidly evolving, but these test are costly and analytically complex. This article, published in JMCP, suggests a standardized method for the development and application of clinically relevant genomic testing.
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Genome Diagnostics: Novel Strategies for Measuring Value

Genomic testing technology is rapidly evolving, but these test are costly and analytically complex. This article, published in the JMCP, suggests a standardized method for the development and application of clinically relevant genomic testing.
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ICER Can Do Better for Patients

ICER's analysis of biologics used to treat asthma falls short of adequately addressing factors related to patients' health and quality of life, particularly those with severe, uncontrolled asthma, according to this JMCP article by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America's CEO.