High Investment Medications

Partnership Forum: The purpose of the forum was to identify concerns for high-investment medications related to predictability, affordability, and accessibility. Participants also explored alternative payments, financial tools, and policy initiatives related to these medications.
Value-Based Care
AMCP Health Technology Assessment Partnership Forum

Health Technology Assessment and Value Frameworks to Inform Coverage Reimbursement

Partnership Forum: This Partnership Forum identified opportunities to improve how value assessments are developed and applied to formulary decision-making and provide strategies and guidance on best practices to equip managed care pharmacists and other professionals when applying these tools to assess value and optimize patient care.
Health Technology, Value-Based Care
Digital Therapeutics Partnership Forum

Digital Therapeutics 2.0

Partnership Forum: This forum identified challenges and payer needs related to the evidence for digital therapeutics. The forum explored the current market space for digital therapeutics including the evidence for the products, place in therapy, monitoring or utilization metrics and barriers that patients face in obtaining therapies. Proceedings are now available.
Digital Therapeutics

Summit on Immunoglobulin

Immunoglobulin (IG) derived from the plasma of donors is used in the treatment of an array of disorders, including primary and secondary immune deficiency states and a variety of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. To understand the appropriate and cost effective use of immunoglobulin, AMCP convened an expert panel of managed care stakeholders.

Racial Health Disparities: A Closer Look at Benefit Design

Partnership Forum: Now more than ever, there is an increased focus on health disparities that occur across a multitude of factors, including socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and race. This forum helped identify potential structural issues within the current formulary and benefit design processes that may have led to racial health disparities or inequality.
Health Disparities

Biosimilars: Policy, Practice, and Post Marketing Surveillance to Support Treatment and Coverage Decisions

Partnership Forum: The market for biologic drugs in the United States is large and has the potential to play an increasingly important role in the country’s health care system — both in the treatment of disease and in the affordability of drugs. Biosimilar approval and marketing of products in the United States is at a slower pace than desired by many stakeholders. This forum helped identify key actions that could support the further development and use of biologics in the U.S. health care system.
Biosimilars, Legislation & Regulation

Summit on Future Treatments in Migraine and Cluster Headaches

Headache is one of the most common symptoms in the general population, but despite its high prevalence and impairment, migraine is often not recognized or effectively treated. To understand the appropriate and cost-effective use of novel treatments for migraine headaches, AMCP convened an expert forum of stakeholders.
Partnership Forum 2020

Helping Patients Anticipate and Manage Drug Costs

Partnership Forum: Participants considered the possible solutions for addressing rising costs and discussed challenges, practical steps for implementing point of sale rebates and other proposed solutions, and discussed how patient assistance programs and copay policies fit into the affordability equation. This forum will develop recommendations and possible solutions to improve price transparency, address the rising costs of medications, and help patient understand and manage drug cost.
Payment Systems