Market Insights

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AMCP Marketing Insights Continuous Glucose Monitoring

JMCP: Implementing Continuous Glucose Monitoring to Improve Patient Outcomes in Diabetes

Diabetes technology is the hardware, devices, and software that people with diabetes use to help manage their condition. Diabetes technology has expanded to include complex devices that both monitor blood sugar and deliver insulin. The American Diabetes Association now recommends use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in individuals with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Rapid change in the diabetes technology landscape may lead to access barriers that can impact health plan programs, necessitating appropriate coverage policies.
Market Insights, Diabetes – Continuous Glucose Monitoring
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JMCP Findings - Navigating the Landscape of Food Allergies

AMCP brought together experts to learn about food allergies caused by the body reacting strongly to certain foods. Food allergies can be difficult to handle and costly for both people and the health care system. New medicines could help prevent allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, caused by accidental exposure to foods. It is important for health care leaders to make sure people with food allergies see the right doctors, get the right medicine at the right time, and help prevent allergic reactions and related health care costs.
Market Insights, Food Allergy
Food allergies thumbnail

JMCP Findings - Navigating the Landscape of Food Allergies

AMCP brought together experts to learn about food allergies caused by the body reacting strongly to certain foods. Food allergies can be difficult to handle and costly for both people and the health care system. New medicines could help prevent allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, caused by accidental exposure to foods. It is important for health care leaders to make sure people with food allergies see the right doctors, get the right medicine at the right time, and help prevent allergic reactions and related health care costs.
Market Insights, Food Allergy
Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Thumbnail

Best Practice Handout – Health Plan Best Practice – Biomarker Testing in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)

The lack of implementation of predictive biomarkers in clinical practice results in a significant number of individuals with NSCLC not deriving benefits from targeted treatments. Payers have the potential to shape various aspects of the precision oncology pathway, such as addressing biomarker test ordering, utilizing test results to inform treatment decisions, implementing quality measurements, and understanding cost-effectiveness.
Market Insights, Cancer – Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)