Diabetes – Continuous Glucose Monitoring

AMCP Market Insights Program on Diabetes – Continuous Glucose Monitoring
AMCP Marketing Insights Continuous Glucose Monitoring
AMCP Marketing Insights Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Best Practice Infographics: Enhancing Patient Outcomes in Diabetes Through Continuous Glucose Monitoring

The expanding use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) has been transformative in diabetes care, providing valuable real-time data and insights for diabetes management. CGM coverage in Type 2 diabetes (T2D) has increased, reaching a broader population of patients with diabetes who are recommended for CGM per clinical guidelines.
Market Insights, Diabetes – Continuous Glucose Monitoring
AMCP Marketing Insights Continuous Glucose Monitoring

JMCP: Implementing Continuous Glucose Monitoring to Improve Patient Outcomes in Diabetes

Diabetes technology is the hardware, devices, and software that people with diabetes use to help manage their condition. Diabetes technology has expanded to include complex devices that both monitor blood sugar and deliver insulin. The American Diabetes Association now recommends use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in individuals with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Rapid change in the diabetes technology landscape may lead to access barriers that can impact health plan programs, necessitating appropriate coverage policies.
Market Insights, Diabetes – Continuous Glucose Monitoring