Formulary and Utilization Management

In managed care pharmacy, formulary and utilization management requires collaboration across health care teams (drug review panels, safety committees, medical and pharmacy staff etc.) to ensure the appropriate, safe, and cost-effective use of medications. Our resources provide guidelines, tools, and best practices to help these health care professionals manage drug formularies, optimize medication therapy, and enhance patient care.

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AMCP Podcast Series Featured Episode

AMCP Format for Formulary Submissions v4.1 Revisions: Public Comment Period

Don't miss out on your chance to comment! Health care expert Fred Goldstein sits down with Ellen Whipple, BS Pharm, PharmD, to discuss the AMCP Format revision focused on digital therapeutics, health disparities, real-world evidence, PIE Deck guidance, and streamlining dossier development.

Regulation of the Prescription Drug Benefit

AMCP opposes statutory and regulatory proposals that unduly restrict the ability of pharmacists working within managed care organizations from utilizing tools and services that are essential for the management of a prescription drug benefitFind out about Regulation of the Prescription Drug Benefit.
Formulary & Utilization Management, Prior Authorization/Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA), Legislation & Regulation, Step Therapy