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HHS Issued Strategic Plan for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health, Human Services, and Public Health

HHS Issued Strategic Plan for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health, Human Services, and Public Health
  • In January 2025, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a Strategic Plan for the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health, Human Services, and Public Health in efforts to use AI responsibly to improve people's lives.
  • HHS offers a unified framework comprising five “Primary Domains” designed to improve coordination among HHS policies, programs, and activities concerning AI:
    • Medical research and discovery; 
    • Medical product development, safety, and effectiveness; 
    • Healthcare delivery; 
    • Human services delivery; and 
    • Public health.
  • The Strategic Plan outlines opportunities for the application of AI, trends in AI, potential use cases and risks, and an action plan for each of these identified domains.
  • HHS also identified two additional functional areas (Additional Domains) that span primary domains and are required to implement the Strategic Plan: Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection and Internal operations.
  • HHS sets out four main goals:
    • Catalyzing health AI innovation and adoption
    • Promoting trustworthy AI development and ethical and responsible use 
    • Democratizing AI technologies and resources
    • Cultivating AI-empowered workforces and organization cultures
  • HHS aims to identify existing best practices for the ethical use of AI across the Primary and Additional Domains to reduce risks like misdiagnosis, confidentiality breaches, resource misallocation, and harmful products.
  • HHS identified numerous HHS divisions that will play a role in assessing opportunities for AI, including CMS, FDA, and HRSA:
    • CMS’s role will focus on using payment and regulatory policy to ensure responsible use of AI by payers and providers, oversight of state data collection standards, and technical assistance to stakeholders.
    • FDA’s role will include regulatory oversight of AI-enabled medical products and AI use in developing medical products, guidance for industry, and cooperation with international regulators.
    • HRSA’s role will be to ensure the equitable use of AI for underserved communities and education of healthcare professionals.

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For questions, please reach out to Vicky Jucelin.
