Statement from AMCP CEO Susan A. Cantrell, RPh CAE, on House Passage of FDARA

Alexandria, Va., July 13, 2017 — The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) commends the House for its passage yesterday of H.R. 2430, the Food and Drug Administration Reauthorization Act (FDARA) of 2017. H.R. 2430 reauthorizes FDA’s critical user fee programs, ensuring the agency has the tools it needs to deliver safe and effective drugs, devices and treatments to patients more swiftly.

AMCP CEO Susan A. Cantrell, RPh, CAE issued the following statement:

“We applaud the House for its bipartisan support of this crucial legislation. AMCP joined with other pharmacy organizations representing more than 100,000 pharmacists across the full spectrum of health care practice settings to commend the FDA for including the following provisions in the reauthorization of PDUFA:

  • Enhancing Use of Real-World Evidence for Use in Regulatory Decision-Making 
  • Enhancing the Incorporation of the Patient’s Voice in Drug Development and Decision-Making 
  • Advancing Postmarketing Drug Safety Evaluation Through Expansion of the Sentinel System and Integration into FDA Pharmacovigilance Activities 

AMCP and other pharmacy organizations share a commitment to patient safety and quality patient care, and as such, we commend Congress and FDA for their work on the reauthorization of PDUFA and other user fee programs. We now look forward to the Senate's swift action on the bill to ensure continued access to safe and effective medications in the U.S.”
