Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Issues Statement on HHS’s Rebate Negotiations Proposal
Alexandria, Va., Feb. 1, 2019 — Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy CEO Susan A. Cantrell, RPh, CAE, issued the following statement on the Health and Human Services Department’s (HHS’s) proposed rule to eliminate negotiated rebates for pharmaceuticals under Medicare Part D and managed Medicaid programs:
“Focusing only on rebates is a diversion from coming up with real solutions to lowering drug costs. The rebate system is the model currently in place, and it’s unclear what would replace this important lever that payers now use to lower drug costs for millions of Americans. The HHS proposal suggests that prices would automatically fall in the absence of rebates, but we think this is unrealistic.
We need a competitive marketplace that allows payers to negotiate prices with manufacturers to ensure lower overall costs for consumers. Any new system must include the use of proven managed care pharmacy levers, such as formularies and utilization management tools, to help people get the right medications, at the right time and at the right cost.”
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The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy is the nation’s leading professional association dedicated to increasing patient access to affordable medicines, improving health outcomes and ensuring the wise use of health care dollars. Through evidence- and value-based strategies and practices, the Academy’s 8,000 pharmacists, physicians, nurses and other practitioners manage medication therapies for the roughly 300 million Americans served by health plans, pharmacy benefit management firms, emerging care models and government. www.amcp.org.
Neal Learner
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