Education, Curriculum, and Training

Continuing Competence for Pharmacists

Policy 9905

11/01/1999 Introduced
03/01/2004 Reapproved
12/01/2008 Revised
10/01/2012 Reapproved
02/13/2019 Revised

AMCP supports the collaboration of pharmacists, managed care organizations, health care systems, employers, payers, professional organizations, and legislative and regulatory bodies in the development of continuing pharmacy education and continuing professional development opportunities to improve the competence of pharmacists. Pharmacists have a corresponding responsibility to identify areas for focused education and/or experiential training and to reassess their competence in these areas.




Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Residency Programs

Policy 9913

11/01/1999 Introduced
03/01/2004 Reapproved
12/01/08 Reapproved
10/01/2012 Reapproved
10/18/2021 Reapproved

AMCP encourages managed care pharmacy practice residency program directors to seek accreditation under the Accreditation Standard and Learning Objectives for Residency Training in Managed Care Pharmacy Practice jointly prepared by AMCP and ASHP.





Public Funding for Pharmacy Residency Programs

Policy 9926

11/01/1999 Introduced
03/01/2004 Reapproved
12/01/2008 Revised
10/01/2012 Reapproved
02/21/2018 Reapproved

AMCP supports legislation and regulation that ensures public funding for pharmacy residency training programs. AMCP opposes legislation and regulation that would reduce reimbursement levels for graduate medical education or would set reimbursement for pharmacy residency programs at a rate disproportionate to other residency programs. 






Best Practice Principles

Policy 0002

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Reapproved
11/01/2009 Revised


AMCP supports identifying, recognizing and exchanging best practices in managed care pharmacy in all practice sites. Furthermore AMCP supports the inclusion of best practice principles in mentoring and preceptor programs.

Non-traditional Education

Policy 0016

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Reapproved
02/01/2010 Reapproved
04/07/2015 Reapproved

AMCP encourages colleges of pharmacy to offer non-traditional, post-baccalaureate, pathways to the doctor of pharmacy degree readily accessible to working pharmacists, resulting in graduates who have demonstrated the same competencies as those in entry-level programs.






Pharmacist Educational Advancement

Policy 0019

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Reapproved
02/01/2010 Reapproved
04/07/2015 Reapproved


AMCP encourages schools and colleges of pharmacy to further advance educational requirements to ensure the provision of a balanced, general education, including information regarding emerging technologies and health care systems, in order to graduate educated citizens and competent health care professionals.


Promotion and Certification of Pharmacy-Based Health Management Programs

Policy 0025

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Revised
02/01/2010 Reapproved

04/07/2015 Reapproved
10/29/2019 Revised

AMCP supports legislation and regulation promoting pharmacy-based health management programs, such as health screenings and immunizations, and additionally, health status monitoring through pharmacist ordering and interpretation of laboratory tests as they may relate to the usage, dosing and administration of drugs.  AMCP further supports the completion of a comprehensive instruction program within pharmacy curricula or a post-graduate certificate program to ensure pharmacists are appropriately credentialed to perform such services.

Residency Training

Policy 0111

03/01/2001 Introduced
02/01/2006 Reapproved
12/01/2010 Revised
04/07/2015 Reapproved
10/18/2021 Revised

AMCP recognizes the importance of residency and fellowship programs in further educating pharmacists in their applicable fields. However, AMCP believes that the market will define what advanced training will be required and that the mandatory requirement of residencies and fellowships is unnecessary. AMCP believes that clinical expectations of certain organizations (hospitals, managed care organizations) and disciplines will drive the need for advanced training in those areas. The need for a competitive advantage may push pharmacists and organizations that employ or contract with pharmacists to require residencies or advanced training. AMCP does not support professional policies requiring residency training for entry into pharmacy practice.
