Access to Patient Information

Patient Confidentiality

Policy 9918

11/01/1999 Introduced
03/01/2001 Revised
06/01/2003 Revised
02/01/2008 Revised
10/01/2012 Reapproved

AMCP supports protection of patient confidentiality and endorses the responsible and sensible use of patient identifiable medical and prescription drug information by authorized physicians, pharmacists, other health care professionals, and researchers to enhance the effectiveness and quality of health care service. AMCP believes that state and federal statutes and regulations that pertain to the use of patient identifiable information must not hinder the effective administration of pharmacy benefits and impede patient protections already in place. Managed health care systems should use patient identifiable information only when it is essential to assure or improve safe, accurate and efficient delivery and coordination of health care services.


(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Positions - Patient Confidentiality)

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Policy 9919

11/01/1999 Introduced
02/01/2005 Revised
11/01/2009 Reapproved

AMCP recognizes and supports the concept that all consumers should have certain health care rights that assure confidentiality of health care services, provide access to high quality health care, and allow access to information with which they may make informed decisions regarding their health care choices. However, inherent with these rights is the responsibility of each person to implement lifestyle activities that promote optimal responses to health care treatment, to follow medical advice and to become knowledgeable of his or her pharmacy benefit health care options.


(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Positions - Patient Confidentiality)

Pharmacist Access to Patient Information

Policy 0017

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Revised
11/01/2009 Reapproved
02/01/2020 Revised
AMCP supports the right of pharmacists in all practice environments to have access to patient identifiable medical and pharmacy information necessary for use in treatment, payment and health care operations to achieve safe, effective, high quality treatment and care coordination.
Pharmacy CPT Codes

Policy 0022

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Reapproved
11/01/2009 Reapproved
02/01/2014 Reapproved
04/29/2020 Revised
AMCP supports the use and expansion of pharmacy-specific codes listed in the American Medical Association's Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding structure to assist pharmacists in documenting professional services as health care providers.
Policy Collaboration to Achieve Optimal Patient Outcomes

Policy 0023

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Reapproved
11/01/2009 Reapproved
10/18/2021 Revised

AMCP supports collaboration with other pharmacy, health care, industry, and consumer organizations in public and professional policy development where such policy development promotes improved patient outcomes and quality of care.




Electronic Exchange of e-Prescribing Information

Policy 0114

11/01/2001 Introduced
02/01/2005 Revised
11/01/2009 Revised
04/23/2018 Revised
AMCP supports federal and state legislative provisions that require the electronic transmission of prescriptions between the prescriber to the pharmacist and supports allowing managed health care systems to have access to that electronic transmission for appropriate purposes. The Academy believes that the electronic exchange of prescription, drug benefit, and drug information improves patient drug therapy, enhances the collection and analysis of patient data, increases operational efficiencies and optimizes health care outcomes and will decrease abuse and diversion of prescriptions for controlled substances. AMCP will support a limited number of exceptions to mandatory e-prescribing, such as technological or electrical failures, during times of national emergencies and similar circumstances that are beyond the control of prescribers and pharmacies.
Health Information Exchange

Policy 0504

Title Before 10/18/2021: National Health Information Network

10/01/2005 Introduced
11/01/2009 Reapproved
10/18/2021 Revised

AMCP supports the development and adoption of a national, standardized health information exchange to include all settings and services involved in delivery of patient care, including pharmacy. Standardized electronic health information exchange is instrumental in improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of care.  



Appropriate Uses of Prescription Information by Managed Care Organizations

Policy 0903

06/01/2009 Introduced
03/29/2022 Revised
AMCP supports the use of health data (e.g., medication claims, procedure codes, laboratory results, and other clinical and reimbursement data) information, whether individually identifiable by patient or prescriber or aggregated without identifying specific individuals, responsibly. When used appropriately, this information can help spur innovation, promote responsible prescription drug use, protect patient safety, and reduce overall health care costs.


(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Positions - Patient Confidentiality)

Transparency Within Health Care

Policy 1104


06/01/2011 Introduced
02/21/2021 Revised

Appropriate transparency throughout the health care delivery system can help all parties involved – including managed care organizations, pharmacy benefit managers, payers, providers, and patients – make informed decisions regarding the use of valuable health care resources. These decisions can help promote positive health outcomes protect patient safety and ensure the affordability of a prescription drug benefit. While certain information should remain confidential to ensure a competitive marketplace, AMCP supports efforts to promote transparency throughout the entire health care system.


(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Positions - Patient Confidentiality)

Use of Technology

Policy 1307


02/01/2013 Introduced
04/12/2021 Revised

AMCP supports the implementation and expanded use of health information technology (HIT), including the use of electronic health records, real time benefit checks, automated prior authorization tools, and electronic prescribing. AMCP supports the adoption and use of national standards that improve system interoperability among providers and payers to enable better patient access to their health information. This includes the use of requisite sets of functional elements necessary for optimizing medication access, safety and cost-effective utilization to improve the process of dispensing and delivering drugs to patients while maintaining patient privacy.


(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Positions - Patient Confidentiality)
