Interpreting and Conducting Practice-Based Research: An Overview of Real-World Evidence
Webinar Recorded on June 29, 2021
If you are preparing for a career in managed care, understanding real-world evidence (RWE) is vital! Join AMCP and AMCP Foundation to learn more about the complexities of RWE and its increasingly important role in health care decision-making.
Practice-based research has the potential to illuminate total cost of care and enhance patient outcomes. On this webinar, experts will share a grounding in RWE concepts and methodologies. Speakers will discuss types of real-world studies, such as retrospective observational studies in large datasets and pragmatic trials. You will be better prepared to interpret and conduct outcomes research because you will understand how these studies compare to traditional trials in study design, data sources, confounding factors and more. Join us to examine how payers use RWE, and explore the managed care pharmacy research agenda through sample studies highlighted by faculty.
The program will be especially useful to managed care pharmacy residents and fellows beginning PGY1 or PGY2 programs, as well as student pharmacists and other trainees. Residency program directors, preceptors and all research-oriented stakeholders are also encouraged to attend.
- Diana Brixner, PhD, RPh, FAMCP, Director, University of Utah Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research Center and AMCP Scholar-in-Residence
- Laura E. Happe, PharmD, MPH, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy
Attendees are encouraged to review the following resources:
1. “A Primer for Managed Care Residents: How to Conduct Research Using Live Medical and Pharmacy Claims Data.” J Manag Care Spec Pharm, 2019 May;25(5):538-543.
2. “Concept Series: What Is Outcomes Research?” AMCP, 2019 Jul.
3. “Top Evidentiary Gaps in Managed Care Pharmacy: A Research Agenda.” J Manag Care Spec Pharm, 2020 Apr;26(4):375-381.
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