Market Insights - Future Treatments in Migraine and Cluster Headaches

Webinar Recorded on April 2, 2020 

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Headache is one of the most common symptoms in the general population, but despite its high prevalence and impairment, migraine is often not recognized or effectively treated. Fortunately, with aid from advanced technology and clinical innovations, there are new treatment options available for patients - including CGRP inhibitors and to other therapies headed for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, as well as a growing class of non-pharmaceutical devices that work via nerve stimulation. As new classes of drugs and non-drug treatments come to market health care providers and payers will need up-to-date evidence and guidance for the use and coverage of novel treatments.

To understand the appropriate and cost-effective use of novel treatments, AMCP convened an expert forum of stakeholders. The objectives of the meeting were as follows:

  • Understand how AMCP members identify and manage members with migraine and cluster headaches
  • Identify how payers establish coverage criteria for new migraine therapies
  • Define key information required for payers to aid product differentiation, treatment protocols, and utilization review to ensure optimal outcomes for members
  • Define the role of non-pharmaceutical treatment options in patient management

The webinar will be presented by the moderator of the live meeting:

  • Destin Sampson, PharmD, MBA
    Managing Director
    VEO Market Access
