Patient Confidentiality

Patient Confidentiality

Policy 9918

11/01/1999 Introduced
03/01/2001 Revised
06/01/2003 Revised
02/01/2008 Revised
10/01/2012 Reapproved

AMCP supports protection of patient confidentiality and endorses the responsible and sensible use of patient identifiable medical and prescription drug information by authorized physicians, pharmacists, other health care professionals, and researchers to enhance the effectiveness and quality of health care service. AMCP believes that state and federal statutes and regulations that pertain to the use of patient identifiable information must not hinder the effective administration of pharmacy benefits and impede patient protections already in place. Managed health care systems should use patient identifiable information only when it is essential to assure or improve safe, accurate and efficient delivery and coordination of health care services.

(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice PositionsPatient Confidentiality).

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Policy 9919

11/01/1999 Introduced
02/01/2005 Revised
11/01/2009 Reapproved
AMCP recognizes and supports the concept that all consumers should have certain health care rights that assure confidentiality of health care services, provide access to high quality health care, and allow access to information with which they may make informed decisions regarding their health care choices. However, inherent with these rights is the responsibility of each person to implement lifestyle activities that promote optimal responses to health care treatment, to follow medical advice and to become knowledgeable of his or her pharmacy benefit health care options.

(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Positions - Patient Rights and Responsibilities, and Patient Confidentiality)
Pharmacist-Patient Communication

Policy 0020

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Revised
02/01/2010 Reapproved
04/07/2015 Revised
AMCP recognizes that patient education is a fundamental element of pharmaceutical care. Further, AMCP believes that pharmacists have a professional obligation to provide patients with accurate, understandable information to promote safe and effective medication use. In order to deliver information that will foster positive health care outcomes, pharmacists must recognize the unique needs of each individual patient or patient population. Therefore, the pharmacist must exercise professional judgment in determining the best way to deliver essential patient information: verbally, in writing, electronically, through use of pictographs or through the internet or through a caregiver or guardian. When face-to-face pharmacist-patient communication is appropriate, pharmacy facilities must allow for convenient, comfortable, and private conversation, supplemented by written, printed, or other material that is best suited to the patient's specific needs. These principles also apply to virtual pharmacist-patient communication, where applicable.
Policy Collaboration to Achieve Optimal Patient Outcomes

Policy 0023

02/01/2000 Introduced
02/01/2005 Reapproved
11/01/2009 Reapproved
10/18/2021 Revised
AMCP supports collaboration with other pharmacy, health care, industry, and consumer organizations in public and professional policy development where such policy development promotes improved patient outcomes and quality of care.
Appropriate Uses of Prescription Information by Managed Care Organizations

Policy 0903

06/01/2009 Introduced
03/29/2022 Revised
AMCP supports the inclusion of prescription drug coverage in all health care benefit programs, including those administered by the government (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance exchanges). Access to and proper utilization of a comprehensive prescription drug benefit, have been shown to reduce the severity of and complications arising from many common illnesses. Failure to provide prescription drug coverage can increase the use of more intensive, costly health care services, such as surgery and/or hospitalization. AMCP also supports granting flexibility to managed care organizations to develop clinically sound, evidence-based benefits free from arduous mandates.  

(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Positions - Appropriate Uses of Prescription Information by Managed Care Organizations)

Transparency Within Health Care

Policy 1104


06/01/2011 Introduced
02/21/2021 Revised

Appropriate transparency throughout the health care delivery system can help all parties involved – including managed care organizations, pharmacy benefit managers, payers, providers, and patients – make informed decisions regarding the use of valuable health care resources. These decisions can help promote positive health outcomes protect patient safety and ensure the affordability of a prescription drug benefit. While certain information should remain confidential to ensure a competitive marketplace, AMCP supports efforts to promote transparency throughout the entire health care system.


(See AMCP Managed Care Pharmacy Practice Positions -Transparency Within Health Care)
