Safety, Legal and Evidentiary Challenges in State-Mandated Reimbursement for Medical Marijuana

Science & Innovation Webinar

Webinar Recorded on Nov. 12, 2020 
Sponsored by Greenwich Biosciences, Inc. 

Cannabis has been the focus of significant debate, advocacy, and policy change at the state level, generating both interest and misinformation. This presentation will highlight a new frontier of cannabis-related advocacy—state mandated health insurance coverage for non-FDA-approved cannabis products. Presenters will discuss critical legal and operational issues managed care organizations must consider should such legislative mandates become law. Presenters will also explore gaps in the regulatory structures governing state medical marijuana programs. These gaps often result in both misuse of state medical marijuana programs and the marketing of products that do not meet traditional quality assurance standards for medicines. Additionally, this presentation will describe the existing body of evidence that informs current understanding of the potential therapeutic benefits and harms associated with cannabis use, and how that evidence measures up to established evidence-based standards employed by health insurers' in their technology assessment and coverage processes.


  • Mark Bolton
    Sr. Director U.S. Public Policy & Sr. Legal Counsel
    Greenwich Biosciences
  • Wade M. Aubry, M.D.
    Clinical Professor of Medicine and Health Policy
    University of California, San Francisco

This webinar is sponsored, developed and presented by the sponsor. The content of this Science & Innovation Webinar and opinions expressed by the presenters are those of the sponsor or presenters and not of AMCP. 

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