Can We Better Manage COPD Populations Using Real-World Data?

Science & Innovation Webinar

Webinar Recorded on Oct. 6, 2021 
Sponsored by GSK  

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a preventable and treatable disease. Exacerbations are a burden to the patient and health system and should drive treatment re-evaluation, following recommendations from GOLD as well as COPD Foundation. Additional considerations from real-world data may help in appropriate evaluation and interventional program development.

This presentation reviews real-world data related to the impact of comorbidities, including:

  • Increased comorbid risks due to oral corticosteroid use
  • Polypharmacy and resulting treatment complexity, and
  • Benefits of medication synchronization.

In addition, the presentation provides an overview of current tools for assessment and management. By the end of the session, attendees will be able to:

  • Review COPD guidelines and burden of disease
  • Understand the different factors contributing to burden, and
  • Discuss approaches for improving management.


  • Ron Balkissoon, MD, MSc, FRCPC
    Staff Pulmonologist
    National Jewish Health
    Denver, Colorado
  • Michael Bogart, PharmD
    Value Evidence & Outcomes

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