AMCP Congratulates Dr. Robert Califf on Becoming FDA Commissioner

Alexandria, Va., Feb. 26, 2016 — The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) today released a statement by Chief Executive Officer Susan A. Cantrell, RPh, CAE, congratulating Robert Califf, M.D., on becoming the new Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The full Senate voted 89 to 4 on Feb. 24 to confirm his nomination.

“On behalf of the Academy, I’d like to congratulate Dr. Robert Califf on taking the helm of the FDA during such a crucial time in the agency’s history. As both a physician and scientist with a distinguished record in research and government, Dr. Califf will bring an important perspective in leading the agency. The FDA is poised to act on many pressing issues that will have a significant impact on the delivery and value of U.S. pharmaceutical care for years to come. These include the development of long-awaited guidance on the labeling and interchangeability of safe and effective biosimilars; the streamlining of the agency’s risk evaluation mitigation strategies (REMS) to better serve and protect patients; and the need to reduce a significant backlog of generic drug applications as well as provide guidance on the dissemination of pharmacoeconomic information, which could help address concerns over rising drug spending. We look forward to continuing to work with FDA under Dr. Califf’s leadership, and provide the perspective of managed care on these and other critical issues.” 
