AMCP Names Sanchita Galgalikar 2023–2024 Executive Fellow in Health Care Association Leadership


Alexandria, Va., March 16, 2023 — AMCP has selected Sanchita Galgalikar, MBA, BS, PharmD candidate, as its 2023–2024 Executive Fellow in Health Care Association Leadership. This year-long training program provides a rich, in-depth learning experience for pharmacists interested in health care association leadership or managed care pharmacy. 

“AMCP played a huge role in solidifying my interest in managed care during school,” said Galgalikar. “I strongly align with AMCP’s mission to improve patient health by ensuring high-quality, affordable care. I look forward to getting to work on healthcare policies, such as AMCP’s recently passed Pre-approval Information Exchange (PIE) act, that optimize access to life-saving therapies.” 

Having already earned her master of business administration from the University of Washington Medical Center, Galgalikar will graduate this spring with her PharmD and will bring her inpatient pharmacy internship experience to her role as Executive Fellow. In her downtime, Galgalikar enjoys traveling, hiking, and making chai for loved ones. 

AMCP created the Executive Fellowship in Health Care Association Leadership in January 2021 to help develop leaders in managed care pharmacy and association management by providing collaborative training and professional development. This year-long program covers a wide range of association leadership areas, including governance, strategy development and implementation, strategic communications, and operational leadership. Qualified candidates must have graduated or will graduate from an ACPE-accredited school of pharmacy prior to starting the fellowship.  

Galgalikar will begin her fellowship July 5, 2023, and will work directly with the AMCP CEO and other AMCP leaders.  

About AMCP      

AMCP is the professional association leading the way to help patients get the medications they need at a cost they can afford. AMCP’s diverse membership of pharmacists, physicians, nurses, biopharmaceutical professionals, and other stakeholders leverage their specialized expertise in clinical evidence and economics to optimize medication benefit design and population health management and help patients access cost-effective and safe medications and other drug therapies. AMCP members improve the lives of nearly 300 million Americans served by private and public health plans, pharmacy benefit management firms, and emerging care models. Visit  
