Three Questions I Have Going Into AMCP eLearning Day

Steve Kheloussi

As a managed care pharmacist, I can safely say that the topics being presented at this summer’s AMCP eLearning Day are some of the most important that have come across my desk recently. Not only do we have the opportunity to learn from an incredible slate of speakers, but the topics themselves could not be more relevant.  
I’m looking forward to learning about so many different topics within the four sessions being offered. Let’s boil it down to the three most important questions I have leading into AMCP eLearning Day
What are the best practices in managing obesity?  
Obesity was rarely a topic of discussion for health plans in the past because the management was straightforward and spending was hardly hitting the radar. Paired with the impressive weight loss seen with newer agents in this area, a flood of social media attention has made this one of the most important topics in managed care today.  
I’m looking forward to gaining insights on how payers have effectively managed off-label use of GLP-1 products. I’m also hoping to hear about the potential future impact of hot-off-the-press-release, yet unpublished, cardiovascular data that could flip the script on how payers approach FDA-approved weight loss medications. 
What’s the latest and greatest on gene and cell therapies?
Gene and cell therapies can lead to amazing, never-before-seen clinical outcomes but also come with unfathomable prices and novel trend management challenges. While these therapies have been on everyone’s radar for years, it’s important that we recognize that the gene therapy wave is no longer coming…it’s already here. 
Gene and cell therapies aren’t normal drugs, so we can’t expect to manage them like they are. I can’t wait for the speakers to share the latest updates on available and forthcoming gene therapies. More importantly, I’m excited to hear of some of the real-world strategies for controlling trends while still helping appropriate patients access these life-changing therapies. 
What does the Inflation Reduction Act mean for me?
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is the definition of a sweeping piece of legislation. The influence of the IRA can already be felt, but some of the most important health care- and managed care-related changes from this bill will really start to shake things up soon.  
I’ll be interested to further understand how the IRA is going to impact me and my practice. What new considerations do I have to keep in mind to effectively manage not only a Medicare population, but also members insured under commercial and Affordable Care Act plans? What do all of the legal challenges mean for the longevity of the bill? What does it all mean for patients? 
AMCP is hosting this virtual event so that managed care pharmacists can get all these questions and more answered while collecting four free hours of CE credit from three AMCP sessions and one satellite symposium. All of this while never having to leave the comfort of home. Say no more…count me in!


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