Navigating Innovations in Diabetes Care - Proceedings from the AMCP Partnership Forum
Webinar Recorded on Dec. 8, 2016
New developments that provide opportunities to enhance cost-effective diabetes care include advances in the pharmacologic treatment of diabetes, new drug delivery devices, innovations in patient management strategies, contracting strategies that incentivize effective interventions, and mHealth technologies. Payers must carefully consider the utility of these advances when making coverage decisions and designing benefits. Furthermore, determining how to define and measure the effectiveness of various interventions are important challenges that must be addressed to support rational decision making.
To engage national stakeholders in a discussion of how to utilize innovations in diabetes care to optimize patient outcomes, the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) organized a Partnership Forum on Navigating Innovations in Diabetes Care in Arlington, VA on July 19 and 20, 2016. The forum explored current trends and advances in diabetes treatments including new medications, care models, and mobile health technologies. Managed care stakeholders engaged in discussions regarding how organizations can leverage these emerging options to develop quality improvement strategies that improve coordination of care and patient outcomes while managing limited health resources and developed several key recommendations. Additionally, stakeholders were tasked with identifying gaps in evidence that hinder decision making around novel therapies and additional outcomes that are of direct relevance to managed care organizations.
View the Proceedings from this Partnership Forum
Nancy D'Hondt, RPh, CDE, FAADE
Staff/Clinical Pharmacist and Diabetes Educator
St. John Providence Hospital and Medical Center
President-elect of the American Association of Diabetes Educators
- Daniel J. Kent, BS PharmD, CDE
Specialty Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator;
Infectious Disease, Endocrinology, Pharm Admin
Group Health Cooperative - Paula J. Eichenbrenner, CAE
Executive Director
AMCP Foundation
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