A Look Back Before Moving Ahead: Recapping AMCP’s 2024 Highlights
Before we look ahead to 2025, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what AMCP has accomplished over the past year. I’m deeply proud of how our members have made tremendous progress in moving managed care pharmacy forward. And while it’s been a busy year for so many of us, I did want to note a few special highlights from 2024.
Noteworthy initiative highlights:
- Nexus 2024 (in the one-and-only Las Vegas) was quite a success serving as AMCP’s largest attended Nexus meeting to date.
- The Government Affairs team hosted a Legislative Days fly-in advocacy event with relevant policymakers and advocates.
- Facilitated three comprehensive workshops and a members-only webinar on the Inflation Reduction Act.
- The Professional Affairs team developed an informed GLP-1 FAQ document for payers.
- We launched the We Are MCPs campaign to bring visibility to managed care professionals.
Noteworthy resources and milestones:
AMCP Format for Formulary Submissions 5.0: The Format is the industry standard template for drug manufacturers to submit clinical and economic information to health payer formulary committees. New sections in these submissions include pre-approval information (following the passage of the Pre-Approval Information Exchange Act in 2022) and prescription digital therapeutics; these are two key managed care pharmacy tools that can have a real impact on patient outcomes.
Patient Voice Initiative: We released an Engagement Framework under AMCP’s Patient Voice Initiative so that payers and patients could communicate more effectively and work towards one common goal: getting patients the medications they need at a price they can afford.
Access, Affordability, & Outcomes (AAO) Report: Building on last year’s comprehensive report, new material examined important issues such as how the delivery of prescriptions through mail order versus community pharmacies affects costs. Our analysis also found that there was a clear difference in patient costs based on where they receive their medication.
AMCP Research Institute (ARI) and RWE Initiative Partnership Forum: I can’t believe that it’s been less than a year since we launched ARI! ARI facilitates crucial research and works tirelessly to share it with health care decision-makers. Just last month, we held a Partnership Forum about real-world evidence that challenged participants to examine opportunities and barriers to adoption. AMCP Chief Science Officer Cate Lockhart recapped it for us recently.
AMCP Foundation Emerging Trends Survey and Research Symposium: AMCP and AMCP Foundation were eager to get a pulse check on how managed care professionals were feeling about our health care landscape. AMCP Foundation conducted a survey focused on how people were feeling about a variety of health care-related topics. Our hope is that the results will help us identify those areas that need to be addressed and empower that change. The topics will drive new programs and resources in February 2025
Advanced Principles of Formulary Management: To ensure you, our members and valued managed care pharmacy professionals, are equipped with the most up-to-date education, we launched the Advanced Principles of Formulary Management training program on AMCP Learn. The program provides pharmacists with the essential skills and best practices needed to optimize drug formularies.
All in all, this year underscored the power of bringing people together. I’ve always said, having a variety of voices present leads to better decisions and progress. Given the real impact that managed care pharmacy has on people’s lives—given the complexity and nuance of our work—it’s so important to hear and consider well-reasoned perspectives that may challenge your own views.
You as an AMCP member are important to us. If you’re not an AMCP member, consider joining us today as we work towards the future. Your voice and perspective will make a vital difference in our mission
Happy holidays and happy New Year!

Susan A. Cantrell, MHL, RPh, CAE
Chief Executive Officer
Published on Dec. 19, 2024
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