Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Practices: What’s Next? - Proceedings from the AMCP Partnership Forum

Webinar Recorded on Dec. 17, 2019 

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It has been nearly 20 years since AMCP and other stakeholders adopted the Principles for a Sound Formulary System. Since that time, requirements for pharmacy and therapeutics committees (P&T) have been adopted by the Medicare Part D program, health insurance marketplace plans, commercial health plans, Medicaid programs, and other public payers. Changes and evolution in the health care system, including a focus on value-based care, suggest the need for updated recommendations from a broad stakeholder coalition. This Forum provided a venue to consider P&T practices that reflect the current health care system and provide recommendations to allow for a transparent P&T process in today’s health care system.

While the perspectives of participants varied, several themes came to light:

  • Variation exists in the guidelines and evidence cited in publicly available payer coverage decisions across therapeutic class and even for the same drug-indication pair.
  • The wealth of new information and data sources available for evaluating the effectiveness of drugs and devices, will require additional competencies in new evaluation techniques and methodologies by P&T committee members.
  • Managed care organizations have a huge opportunity to engage and incorporate the patient perspective in coverage decisions.
  • Managing conflicts of interest and establishing organizational policies on transparency are crucial and should be a priority.

View the Proceedings from this Partnership Forum 


  • Conor Hanrahan, PharmD, BCPS, CPHIMS, CPPS
    Medication Policy, Outcomes, and Stewardship Director
    Intermountain Healthcare
  • Mandy Leonard, PharmD, BCPS
    System Director, Drug Use Policy and Formulary Management
    Cleveland Clinic
