Real World Evidence (RWE) 

Gain valuable insights into Real World Evidence (RWE) to enhance your decision-making in managed care pharmacy. Access data-driven research, case studies, and best practices to improve patient outcomes and inform policy development. To learn more visit the AMCP Research Institute and BBCIC.

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Asthma Patient - Stock

A New Era in RSV Prevention

In this webinar, you'll explore the impact of RSV on U.S. infants, examine key clinical studies on nirsevimab, and review global real-world data on its effectiveness. You'll also learn how to implement immunization strategies to reduce RSV lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), with practical takeaways for improving coverage and reimbursement decisions.
Patient Conditions/Disease States, Clinical Outcomes, Patient-Reported Outcomes, Real World Evidence & Research, Clinical Outcomes, Comparative Effectiveness, Comparative Effectiveness Research, Patient-Reported Outcomes, Real World Evidence & Research
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New AMCP Research Institute Expands Managed Care Pharmacy Research Opportunities

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) today launched the AMCP Research Institute (ARI), a research-based resource that will conduct and facilitate projects important to the mission of managed care pharmacy. Incorporating AMCP’s existing Biologics & Biosimilars Collective Intelligence Consortium (BBCIC), the ARI will expand the scope of research opportunities for AMCP, thereby helping to advance the larger goal of improving public health in the United States.
Real World Evidence & Research
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Meet Andrey Ostrovsky, MD, FAAP & Lisa Palko, PharmD

Andrey Ostrovsky, MD, FAAP, and Lisa Palko, PharmD, discuss the ADHD landscape, challenges, and progress, including Akili's digital therapeutics value proposition as the first FDA-authorized prescription video game treatment.