Value in Health Care

Integrated Delivery Network’s Role in Value-Based Agreements for Pharmacy and Medical Benefits Partnership Forum

Partnership Forum: Implementing value-based reimbursement models for both pharmaceuticals and medical care poses significant challenges and opportunities, and depends on integrated delivery networks (IDNs) to execute the processes and programs. Industry thought leaders convened to discuss the issues.
Value in Health Care, Value-Based Contracts, Value-Based Care

AMCP Provides Response to Request for Information on Value Based Contracting from Diabetes Caucus Co-Chairs Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Tom Reed (R-NY)

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information on the application of value-based contracts (VBCs) for insulin pricing initiatives. The shift in payment models is expanding beyond the delivery of health care services to encompass models of compensation between payers and biopharmaceutical manufacturers.
Legislation & Regulation, Value in Health Care, Value-Based Contracts, Value-Based Contracts

AMCP Partnership Forum Identifies Key Opportunities to Improve Patient Financial Burden in Oncology and Shift to Value-Based Care Models

Press Release: Thought leaders representing managed care organizations, providers, patients, biopharmaceutical manufacturers and other stakeholders gathered recently to find solutions to the financial burden of oncology care on patients, while also improving cancer treatment outcomes and advancing the concept of value-based health care.
Value in Health Care, Value-Based Care