Health Care Coalition Commends Congress on Swift Action to Improve SUD Patient Safety and Coordinated Care

The Partnership to Amend 42 CFR Part 2, a coalition of nearly 50 health care organizations committed to aligning 42 CFR Part 2 with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for the purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations (TPO), today issued the following statement in response to the bipartisan passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

AMCP Format for Formulary Submissions, Version 4.1, Includes New Dossiers for Submitting Evidence on Unapproved Medicines and Unapproved Indications Submitted for FDA Approval

AMCP has released Version 4.1 of the AMCP Format for Formulary Submissions, which includes two new dossier types for biopharmaceutical manufacturers to share evidence on unapproved products and new indications that are under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Pre-Approval Information Exchange, Formulary & Utilization Management