Managed Care Pharmacy Issues

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AMCP Partnership Forum on Electronic Solutions to Medication Reconciliation and Improving Transitions of Care

Partnership Forum: In June 2013, AMCP convened a group of experts to explore how managed care pharmacy departments can work with their medication therapy management (MTM) and other pharmacists to collaborate in redesigning the Medication Reconciliation (MedRec) process for transitions of care.
Medication Therapy Management (MTM), Managed Care Practice Issues

Comparative Effectiveness Research Glossary

This glossary defines or describes terminology used in comparative clinical effectiveness research for managed care pharmacy professionals. For cost effectiveness terminology, please see other resources, such as Health Care Cost, Quality, and Outcomes: ISPOR Book of Terms. Lawrenceville, NJ: International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research; 2003.
Managed Care Practice Issues, Real World Evidence & Research, Comparative Effectiveness, Comparative Effectiveness Research, Health Economics & Outcomes Research