Managed Care Pharmacy Issues

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JMCP Cover Image

The Individualized Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder

The benefits of extended release opioid agonists and antagonists in the highly personalized space of opioid use disorder treatment are described in this JMCP article by the CMO of Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers, Pathway Healthcare.
JMCP Cover Image

The Individualized Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder

The benefits of extended release opioid agonists and antagonists in the highly personalized space of opioid use disorder treatment are described in this JMCP article by the CMO of Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers, Pathway Healthcare.

Practice Positions

The concise policy statements included in the AMCP Practice Positions are part of an ongoing process that documents the AMCP's position on professional and practice issues. These practice positions will serve to aid AMCP members in describing their roles and serves as the basis for AMCP’s public policy statements. they also aid in advancing AMCP’s positions to target audiences. These policy statements, approved by AMCP’s Board of Directors, cover a wide range of pharmacy and practice issues and have been derived from existing AMCP Legislative & Regulatory Positions, Medicare Part D Series, Concept Papers, and other policy statements.