Webinar on CMS and Affordable Care Act:First of a series of AMCP Member Regulatory Briefings providing an overview of newly proposed regulations and agency guidance relevant to managed care pharmacy Watch RecordingClose
Use of appropriate medication regimens, regardless of cost, may help to improve patients’ conditions, improve quality of life, and lower other health care costs.
Press Release: Pharmacy professional organizations and stakeholders today released a standardized framework for documenting medication therapy management (MTM) services using SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine.
On February 26, 2016, the CMS Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) released a memorandum and draft specification plan outlining the proposed data structure and pilot monitoring measures for the enhanced MTM model test. AMCP provided a summary of the key proposed elements that impact managed care pharmacy.
This downloadable and shareable presentation describes key components of a medication therapy management (MTM) Part D program, the value of MTM programs within health care and the role of the pharmacist.
This downloadable and shareable presentation describes key components of a medication therapy management (MTM) Part D program, the value of MTM programs within health care and the role of the pharmacist.
Partnership Forum: In June 2013, AMCP convened a group of experts to explore how managed care pharmacy departments can work with their medication therapy management (MTM) and other pharmacists to collaborate in redesigning the Medication Reconciliation (MedRec) process for transitions of care.
A project description, implementation overview, and lessons learned from the NOVA Southeastern University's AMCP Chapter Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Competition.
The purpose of this document is to help guide designers of MTM programs to identify the critical elements that support an effective, sound MTM program and allow these programs to be constructive in encouraging positive patient outcomes.