AMCP webinar that discussed the health care policy landscape under the 117th Congress and Biden Administration.

AMCP webinar that discussed the health care policy landscape under the 117th Congress and Biden Administration.
AMCP webinar that discussed the health care policy landscape under the 117th Congress and Biden Administration.
In a January 15th letter to President-elect Joseph R. Biden, AMCP shared its priority issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic and managed care pharmacy.
On December 31, 2018, AMCP provided comments to CMS on its Advanced Notice of Public Rulemaking (ANPRM) for a potential International Pricing Index (IPI) Model for Medicare Part B Drugs. The potential model would be phased in over a five-year period starting in Spring 2020 and will be tested as a pilot program through CMMI. It also seeks to reform the current “buy and bill” system for Part B drugs and alter reimbursement methodology. AMCP shared its concerns that elements outlined in the ANPRM need further consideration to ensure that they are sustainable solutions for decreasing medication costs before making substantial changes to existing programs.
AMCP webinar that reviewed the major provisions contained in a recently released advanced notice of proposed rulemaking from CMS on the International Drug Pricing Index for Part B drugs and a recently proposed rule on the Medicare Advantage and Part D Program.
AMCP webinar that reviewed the major provisions contained in a recently released advanced notice of proposed rulemaking from CMS on the International Drug Pricing Index for Part B drugs and a recently proposed rule on the Medicare Advantage and Part D Program.

AMCP webinar that reviewed the major provisions contained in a recently released advanced notice of proposed rulemaking from CMS on the International Drug Pricing Index for Part B drugs and a recently proposed rule on the Medicare Advantage and Part D Program.
On Nov 1, 2018 CMS issued a proposed rule that updates Medicare Advantage (MA) and Medicare Part D Programs. The proposed rule would allow MA plans to offer “additional telehealth benefits”, makes changes to dual-eligible special needs plans, would allow Part D plans to request standardized extracts of Medicare claims data about its plan enrollees, and proposes enhancements to star ratings.
On August 7, 2018, CMS issued guidance to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans acknowledging that step therapy is a recognized utilization management tool. CMS stated that the allowance of step therapy practices for Part B drugs will help achieve the goal of lower drug prices while maintaining access to covered services and drugs for beneficiaries. MA plans will have the choice of implementing step therapy to manage Part B drugs, beginning January 1, 2019.