Fraud, Waste and Abuse

Drug Pricing Summary & Legislation

September 2018 OVERVIEW AMCP is the nation’s leading professional association dedicated to increasing patient access to affordable medicines, improving health outcomes and ensuring the wise use of health care dollars. AMCP supports efforts to reduce drug prices by encouraging both meaningful transparency within health.
Fraud, Waste and Abuse

AMCP Submits Comments to CMS on Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D Proposed Rule

AMCP submitted comments to CMS in response to its proposed rule for technical changes to the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program. AMCP offered comments on the following areas of the proposed rule: drug management programs, Medication Therapy Management, benefit design & utilization management, health information technology & data interoperability, and fraud, waste, & abuse.
Fraud, Waste and Abuse, Medicare Part D, Medication Therapy Management (MTM), Legislation & Regulation

AMCP Summary: Medicare Part D Technical Changes Proposed Rule

On November 16th, 2017, CMS released a much anticipated proposed rule that amends regulations for Medicare Part C and Medicare Part D to implement provisions of the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) and the 21st Century Cures Act. The proposed rule also makes changes to improve program quality, accessibility, and affordability and also adopts the updated NCPDP script standard for electronic prescribing.
Fraud, Waste and Abuse, Medicare Part D, Medication Therapy Management (MTM), Legislation & Regulation

Century Cures Act Advances AMCP's FDAMA Goals, Improves Value-Based Communications Between Manufacturers and Managed Care Pharmacy

AMCP CEO Blog: Who says Congress can’t get anything done…and with bipartisan support to boot? With impressive speed and purpose, the House and Senate overwhelmingly passed the 21st Century Cures Act in the waning days of the 114th Congress.
Fraud, Waste and Abuse, Pre-Approval Information Exchange, Legislation & Regulation, Value-Based Care