Formulary and Utilization Management

In managed care pharmacy, formulary and utilization management requires collaboration across health care teams (drug review panels, safety committees, medical and pharmacy staff etc.) to ensure the appropriate, safe, and cost-effective use of medications. Our resources provide guidelines, tools, and best practices to help these health care professionals manage drug formularies, optimize medication therapy, and enhance patient care.

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AMCP Submits Letter to Illinois Senate Committee Opposing House Bill 4146 Which Prohibits Formulary Changes During a Plan Year

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) writes in strong opposition to House Bill 4146. House bill 4146 “prohibits a health care plan from modifying an enrollee’s drug coverage in a plan year by (A) increasing out-of-pocket costs for a covered drug; (B) moving a prescription to a more restrictive tier; or (C) removing a prescription drug from a formulary.”
Formulary & Utilization Management

Stakeholders Recommend Manufacturers Share Off-Label Information on Medications Awaiting FDA Approval with Decision Makers

Press Release: Biopharmaceutical companies and health care decision makers would be able to more easily communicate information on products awaiting Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, under recommendations developed at an Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) partnership forum this week.
Expedited Approval, Formulary & Utilization Management