Format for Formulary Submissions

AMCP Format 4.1 Teaser Image

AMCP Format for Formulary Submissions — Guidance on Submission of Pre-Approval and Post-Approval Clinical and Economic Information and Evidence, Version 4.1

The aim of the AMCP Format is to identify comprehensive evidence and information elements that meet the evidentiary needs of HCDMs. The AMCP Format is designed to encourage sharing of objective, credible, and relevant information on medical products.
Format for Formulary Submissions, Formulary & Utilization Management
AMCP Format 4.1 Teaser Image

AMCP Format for Formulary Submissions — Guidance on Submission of Pre-Approval and Post-Approval Clinical and Economic Information and Evidence, Version 4.1

The aim of the AMCP Format is to identify comprehensive evidence and information elements that meet the evidentiary needs of HCDMs. The AMCP Format is designed to encourage sharing of objective, credible, and relevant information on medical products.
Formulary & Utilization Management, Format for Formulary Submissions