AMCP CEO Blog: The Academy will soon unveil a new strategic plan to guide our organization over the next several years. As it’s rolled out ‒ more on that next month ‒ I thought I would highlight some of the deliberations that went into developing the plan.
AMCP CEO Address: AMCP CEO Susan A. Cantrell, RPh, CAE addressed the AMCP 2017 Nexus. The following is a lightly edited transcript of that address.
AMCP CEO Blog: Health care reform historically has one of the most contentious issues on Capitol Hill. The current fight to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is just the latest in a string of battles that reaches back many decades, including to the founding of Medicare and Medicaid.
AMCP CEO Blog: Like everyone across the country, AMCP members and staff share a deep concern for the safety and wellbeing of thousands of people displaced by Hurricane Harvey.
AMCP CEO Blog: A recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) caught my attention for a couple of reasons.
AMCP CEO Blog: One maxim I hold dear is the value of getting out of the office now and then to see how things are working in the field.
AMCP CEO Blog: Volume to value, quantity to quality: such transitions in health care today are like a rock tossed in a pond. The ripple effects are far-reaching and unstoppable.
AMCP CEO Blog: Whoever said, “May you live in interesting times,” could have been talking about Congressional health care policy debates circa 2017. Never a dull moment!
AMCP CEO Blog: Every morning — like many of you — I settle behind my desk, take a sip of coffee and read the AMCP Daily Dose. This publication, full of valuable news and information, frequently highlights issues and individuals we’re featuring at our Annual Meeting, March 27-30, in Denver. Several caught my eye recently.
AMCP CEO Blog: Who says Congress can’t get anything done…and with bipartisan support to boot? With impressive speed and purpose, the House and Senate overwhelmingly passed the 21st Century Cures Act in the waning days of the 114th Congress.
AMCP CEO Blog: People can accomplish remarkable things when they work toward a common goal. That’s what happened recently when a diverse group of pharmacy stakeholders gathered to develop standardized terms for MTM services.
AMCP CEO Address: The following are excerpts from remarks that AMCP CEO Susan A. Cantrell, RPh, CAE, delivered during the AMCP Nexus 2016 General Session on Oct. 4.