Prior Authorizations Play Crucial Role in Ensuring Appropriate Medication Use

AMCP CEO Blog: With PA so often misunderstood, perhaps we need to do a better job of explaining this tool to the general public. For example, we might provide an example of how PAs are applied to opioids as additional safeguards to ensure their appropriate use. Or how a PA might be applied to botulinum toxin to ensure the prescription is for medical, rather than cosmetic, purposes.
Prior Authorization/Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA), Managed Care Practice Issues

Addressing Increasing Costs and Spending on Pharmaceuticals Requires Multipronged Approach

AMCP CEO Blog: A new article in Health Affairs ( highlights the challenges that many health plans and payers face as spending on pharmaceuticals continues to rise. The report, which looked at total health care spending at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HPHC) from 2011 and 2016, found that spending on pharmaceuticals had increased to a full 25% of all dollars spent.
Drug Pricing, Legislation & Regulation, Payment Systems