Health Disparities

We are working to identify and reduce inequities in healthcare access, treatment, and outcomes among different population groups. Explore helpful resources that focus on strategies and best practices to promote equitable healthcare and improve health outcomes for all patients. View additional resources and articles on JMCP.

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Role of Managed Care in Addressing Health Disparities Webinar Title Slide

AMCP Health Disparities Advisory Group

The Health Disparities Advisory Group is focused on developing resources related to data and formulary and utilization management solutions that can close the gap on disparities in medication use. This advisory group is active from March 2022-February 2023.
Health Disparities
A group of people in various workforces

Addressing Racial and Health Disparities

AMCP stands against racial and health care injustice. AMCP is committed to 1) mitigating disparities related to optimal medication use, 2) advancing conversations by calling for pertinent submissions to the Journal of Managed Care + Specialty Pharmacy (JMCP) and conducting partnership forum(s), 3) incorporating health equity goals into the strategic plan, and 4) supporting impactful education and policy.
Health Disparities
DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Glossary

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Glossary

To engage in meaningful dialogue and identify concrete actions toward addressing health disparities, it is imperative to have a common language that promotes understanding. To that end, AMCP has compiled a glossary of terms that will be useful for managed care pharmacists, other health care professionals, and stakeholders.
Health Disparities