AMCP Podcast Series Featured Episode

Digital Therapeutics: Implications for Managed Care Pharmacy in 2023

Health care expert Fred Goldstein, host of the AMCP Podcast Series — Listen Up! sits down with Jennifer Graff, Senior Director of Professional Affairs at AMCP, to discuss trends to be watching regarding digital therapeutics and managed care pharmacy in 2023.
AMCP Podcast Series Featured Episode

Passing the PIE Act: Importance to Payers and Patients

Health care expert Fred Goldstein, host of the AMCP Podcast Series — Listen Up!, sits down with Susan Cantrell, AMCP CEO, to discuss the significance of the recent passage of the Pre-approval Information Exchange (PIE) Act of 2022.
AMCP Legislative Days

The PIE Act: A Case Study in the Importance of Persistence in Policymaking

In the world of health care innovation, speed matters. But when it comes to developing and deploying cutting-edge treatments and therapeutics safely, a cautious and methodical approach is vital as well. Safety matters as much as speed, but faster doesn’t always mean riskier. In her latest blog, AMCP CEO Susan Cantrell discusses the history of the Pre-approval Information Exchange (PIE) Act and how it will help patients.
Pre-Approval Information Exchange, Legislation & Regulation
PopHealth Week Logo

Meet Andrey Ostrovsky, MD, FAAP & Lisa Palko, PharmD

Andrey Ostrovsky, MD, FAAP, and Lisa Palko, PharmD, discuss the ADHD landscape, challenges, and progress, including Akili's digital therapeutics value proposition as the first FDA-authorized prescription video game treatment.
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Meet Dr. Eddie Martucci Co-founder & CEO Akili

On today's episode of PopHealth Week, our guest is Eddie Martucci, PhD, co-founder & CEO of Akili Interactive, a company getting to the root of cognitive impairment by creating personalized digital therapeutics engineered to directly improve cognitive impairments.