AMCP Real-World Evidence (RWE) Partnership Forum: A Student’s Perspective

As a pharmacy student, attending the AMCP Partnership Forum on Closing the Gap in Real-World Evidence Use: A Collaborative Approach for Health Care Transformation was a unique opportunity. It was eye-opening to witness the behind-the-scenes efforts of managed care professionals working to optimize patient outcomes through innovative approaches like Real-World Evidence (RWE). Being part of a forum typically reserved for seasoned professionals made the experience even more unique, and I was grateful for the chance to represent the student perspective in such a transformative setting.
Before this event, my understanding of managed care was limited to its role in determining formularies and coverage in the pharmacy setting. However, I quickly learned there is so much more complexity involved. From collaborating with stakeholders to refining frameworks and criteria, the forum illuminated how real-world data is utilized to make informed decisions about patients. I learned about the challenges payers face when evaluating therapies, such as the need for reliable endpoints when evaluating studies, the importance of clear data validation, and deciding what type of education is needed for stakeholders using the RWE criteria.
Everyone I met at AMCP was welcoming and excited to share their expertise, which helped me understand the vital role managed care plays in health care transformation. As I look toward my future as a pharmacist, I’ll carry these insights with me, knowing that behind every formulary decision lies a dedicated team striving to bridge the gap between innovation and accessibility.

Cayla Langley
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, APPE Student
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